When our bodies overproduce sebum - a natural lubricant for hair and skin - it can turn from helpful to harmful. Sometimes, sebum blocks hair follicles and clogs pores. When this occurs, the skin becomes inflamed and can be worsened by dead skin cells or bacteria entering the inflammation, causing white heads, black heads, pimples, and blemishes. Our acne treatment in Midtown NYC uses different methods to clear your skin, prevent future inflammation, and give you the skin you deserve.
Aromatherapy is nature's defense against acne. One of the most effective natural treatments, aromatherapy infuses natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties into the skin. This method benefits most skin types, as aromatherapy does not use harsh chemicals or agents that may cause a negative reaction to your skin. Aromatherapy as acne treatment in Midtown NYC is growing in popularity because of its belief in the healing power of natural elements.
We also provide deep cleansing facials for acne treatment in Midtown NYC, which target the root of acne causes and removes bacteria build up in your pores. After your session, you'll notice a glow to your skin, giving you a refreshing look that feels soft and smooth.
Our specialists want to help restore your confidence and clear skin. For more information about our acne treatment in Midtown NYC, call us today at (212) 202-0993.